
We strongly believe in the importance of quality from service to product and we are committed to the highest possible quality standards.

We strongly believe in the importance of quality from service to product and we are committed to the highest possible quality standards.


Our quality department takes care of fully monitoring production processes, from accepting raw materials, through each intermediate processing, up to the certification of quality and conformity of goods for shipment. We have been ISO 9001 certified since 1999.

ISO 9001 Certification


We pay special attention to safety and we are investing resources to obtain the ISO 45001 certification.

Certificazione ISO 45001


Our commitment to environmental protection is a value in which we firmly believe, as we have been ISO 14001 certified since 2015.

ISO 14001 Certification


Area legale

Abbiamo adottato un modello di organizzazione basato su specifiche regole di condotta, espresse nel Codice Etico con relativa procedura Whistleblowing.

Codice etico
Procedura Whistleblowing
Informativa minima Whistleblowing